Monday, July 27, 2009

Journal Article #2 - How Teenagers Consume Media

Robson, M. (2009, July 13). How teenagers consume media: the report that shook the
city. Retrieved July 23, 2009, from Web site:

This is an article written by 15 year-old intern working with Morgan Stanley. He writes about the research that he has done on how teenagers currently consume various forms of media as well as how they utilize technology. Teens do not regularly listen to traditional radio as they are primarily interested in listening to music, not advertising, and are now opting to use online streaming sites that are advertising free and where they can control the type of music they are listening to. Teenagers listen to music mostly while they are doing something else, like using the computer or traveling. Most teenagers have never purchased a cd and 8 out of 10 obtain music illegally from file sharing sites. Teens like to have a hard file of their music so that it is easily transferable from their computer to a portable electronic device like an ipod or cellphone.

Teenagers still tune into television and most teenagers own a television, many of them opting to upgrade to an HD ready t.v. How they watch t.v. has changed. Many teenagers are using cable providers with recording features that enable them to watch what they want when they want as well as enabling them to fast forward through commercials. The amount of television watched fluctuates with if the teenager is viewing a program that lasts for a particular duration. Boys tend to watch more t.v. during the football season.

Newspapers are a thing of the past for teenagers because they like the way that the internet and t.v. summarize the news and do not like the bulkiness of a traditional newspaper. They do periodically read tabloids and free sheets because they are smaller and more portable in nature, making it easier for them to read on a bus or train.

Ninety nine percent of teenagers have a cell phone, but do not sign long term contracts and use the pay as you go option. The teens keep their cell phone usage basic and only use features that are available to them at no cost. All teenagers have access to computers either at school or at home. If a teen does own a computer 9 out of 10 of them own a PC because of its affordability in comparison to Macs and the fact that schools run Windows.

What is the most important part of this article in regards to education? The most telling portion of this report is that all teenagers have access to computers either at home or at school. It is important integrate computer use as part of the curriculum because increasing computer skills among teenagers better prepares them for continued education or work after high school.

What can a teacher do to educate students on the legal ramifications of illegally acquiring music from file sharing websites? The teacher could create a lesson plan that covers why artists are against file sharing and what has happened to individuals who have been caught illegally obtaining music through file sharing websites.

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