Monday, July 13, 2009

Introduction of Jill Edmonson

Hi, my name is Jill Edmonson. I was born in Albequerque and lived there for three months until my parents moved to Phoenix, thankfully:) I went from k-12 in Phoenix. I attended all public schools, although my parents allowed me to choose if I wanted to go to the private highschool. I chose to stay with all of my friends in the public highschool, which I am sure my parents were happy about given that meant no yearly tuition for highschool. I went to the University of Arizona and graduated in 1997 with my B.S. in Marketing. I am entering the world of school again after a long time away and I am excited to be back. It is very different the second time around especially since I know that school will enable me to obtain the skills that I want and need to switch to a career that I want to be in - speech pathology.

My experience with technology has been mostly in the working world, where I have used the programs in Microsoft Office, Lotus Notes and I have a little bit of Dream Weaver experience. Now I find myself using technology primarily as a means to keep in touch with my friends and family and now webct for school. I would be lost without my blackberry or being able to use email on a daily basis. I recently got a facebook account, which has been a great way of reuniting with so many people. My most recent technology love is Skype. My brother, his wife and my three and a half year old neice live in Spain and it is amazing that I can see them and talk to them by using Skype. My neice and I have a weekly story time on Skype, pretty amazing. I was always a pc user, but switched to a mac about two years ago and I am not going back.

The COE mission statement wasn't a factor in my applying to CSUSM because I applied here initially because it was local and CSUSM will be launching the master's of education in speech pathology that I want to pursue in Fall of 2010. The part of the COE mission statement that speaks to me the most is the focus on student centered learning since it is very important to treat each child as an individual and teach to their strengths, which hopefully I will be able to do if I am a speech pathologist in the educational system.


  1. Wow...all your schooling in AZ, how was that??? I cannot even imagine - the weather there is insane! My sister lived there for two years and I went to visit her every month for a week and I almost went crazy. I think it is awesome you are going into Speech Pathology, I looked into this program as well. I am still interested in it and may venture into it eventually, but good luck - it is an awesome program!

  2. Hi Jill,

    That's awesome that you want to be a speech language pathologist! I'm pursuing that career too :) Have you already taken some courses in that area here at CSUSM? Do you know what grade level/age you want to work with? Keep in touch and we could share some ideas/experience.

  3. Hey Jill,
    I really think it's cool that you can talk to your family in Spain. It amazing how far technology has gone today. I too love my crack berry:) It's with me all the time and makes it easy for texting, e-mailing, and just searching the web. See ya in class.
